The year kicked off with a bang which was great until the Harmattan decided it was going to make a comeback. We are not complaining but I’m sure we can all agree the weather is not particularly friendly on the skin yes! The skin literally goes through a major breakdown this time of the year from dermal cracks to overly dry looks. It can be really heartbreaking especially for those of us who pride ourselves in the beauty and perkiness of our skin.

Today on the blog we will be looking at some pretty amazing tips which have proven over time to have lasting effects on your skin, improving your chances for a healthier glow. Before we go any further, let me just state categorically that it helps for you to do your own research sometimes, study your skin and by extension your body. Find out what works for you and please stick to a routine (that is not to say you cannot make a few changes here and there when it you know it’s necessary) it is important that you do this as often as possible in order to have firsthand knowledge of what your challenges are, take for instance, you have a sudden breakout you can easily trace it to a possible product or food substance that way you know how to fix it or at least know how to get help.

Having said that, let’s dive straight into the good part, below is a track list of things that you should be doing or not doing if you want that perfect skin tone:

Tricks and Tips to Get You Glowing Away In 2022

Wash That Make Up Brush Set Sis;

wash your makeup brushes

You may wonder why I had to start with this particular tip but as you can guess, the average woman is mostly worried about facial skin and half the time all you need to do is wash your makeup tools. This is especially so for those of you with sensitive skin  who participate in frequent use of makeup, all that break out, discoloration, rashes and what not could really just be as a result of prolonged use of unlaundered and unsterilized tools.

Take a Bath at Least 2 Times Daily;

Bath twice daily

The skin is exposed to an awful amount of dirt and chemical compounds in some cases and what you do not want to do is breed unhealthy bacteria by refusing to take a bath when necessary. Taking a shower with good products also keeps you from getting dull skin over time.

Again Do Your Research and Know What You’re Putting on Your Skin;

Skin care

When choosing Skin care products you really should stay away from products which contain harsh chemicals you know nothing about. For one, they can mess with your skin flora and strip away essential oils and good bacteria which make up the skin microbiome. A healthy and balanced skin microbiome is essential to maintaining healthy glowing skin.

Stay Away From Unnecessary Sun Exposure;


The sun is not entirely bad for you, as a matter of fact it does great benefits for the body (see Sunshine Vitamins) However if you must stay in the sun please do so preferably early in the mornings and be sure to not spend more than a few minutes. It will also do you a lot of good to get your Sunscreen handy or better yet get some Vitamin D supplements.

Take Your Vitamins;

Take your vitamins

If you’re not already incorporating some vitamin C and Vitamin E into your skin care routine, what are you waiting for?  These two essential nutrients are rich in antioxidants which help to nourish and protect your skin from damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin C has proven time and again to work wonders for the skin and the good news is it works for all skin types and its benefits are top tier. Vitamin E on the other hand has been found to help in the reduction of UV damage to the skin.


Stick To a Healthy Diet Routine;

balanced diet

More often than not, the skin is a direct reflection of what’s going on, on the inside, what are you feeding your body? While you’re planning your meals make sure to add some healthy fats (some examples of healthy fats include eggs, salmon, avocado pear, olive oil etc.) antioxidant rich fruits such as grapes, berries etc. Also consume lots of vegetables and of course drink loads of water, you need it and your skin does too.

A Good Exfoliation Can Make all The Difference in Your Skin Care;


Exfoliating has a lot of amazing benefits to your skin. It removes dead skin cells and allows for your skin to breathe in some fresh air. When you exfoliate, you give room for your skin care products to actually do their work by settling in the pores which are now open to receive them.

Get Up and Exercise;


Whoever said a healthy glowing skin has nothing to do with exercising or working out must not have seen just how well a perfectly toned up body allows for better skin glow!

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