10 Behaviors Which Accelerate Aging

Aging is a thing of joy for most people and quite frankly inevitable. It becomes a problem when you start to age increasingly and your physical appearance can’t seem to match your age. Some people naturally appear older than they actually are while others even appear younger, most people prefer to look younger than their age which is why we shall be exploring 10 behavioral factors responsible for making you age faster than you should.age acceleration

The following habits are very common amongst young adults which explain why most look so much older than they really are;

A lack of Exercise/ Sedentary Lifestyle:

A refusal to partake in any form of exercise often proves detrimental not just to your general health but also to your physical appearance and so does sitting around all day. You want to take long walks and get some work out done from time to time otherwise you can be 20 with weak bones and the waist pain of a 60year old.


Stress does nothing for you or your body especially if you’re trying to slow down the aging process. So many factors contribute to stress, life, relationships, work etc. and all of these can have an effect on how you look and feel. As much as possible, lower your stress levels.

Poor Nutritional Habits:

Not eating healthy can also trigger the aging process. Packing on foods rich in water, healthy fats, antioxidants and essential nutrients reflect positively on your skin giving you a healthy glow, foods such as avocado, almond nuts, spinach, papaya, broccoli, sweet potatoes and pomegranates all have great anti aging nutrients. It also helps to reduce your intake of overly processed food.

Lack of Sleep:

Why aren’t you sleeping? Whatever reason you have is not a good enough reason. Adults are required to get at least 8 hours of good sleep and not getting the required amount of sleep can mess with your physical and mental output and even cause weight gain all of which accelerates aging. Make sure to prioritize your sleep always.

Excessive Weight Gain:

Perhaps the reason why many of those who are obese are somewhat insecure and bother a lot about their weight has something to do with their physical appearance. Ultimately, putting on too much weight messes with your self-esteem and can further push you into depression which also speeds up aging causing you to look and feel old.

Excessive Alcohol Intake:

The effects of excessive drinking as well as drug abuse cannot be overemphasized. The world has seen many young adults shrink and become a shadow of themselves in the blink of an eye due to an addiction to substance abuse. Don’t become one of the stats, love yourself enough to want to lead a healthy and fulfilled life.


Just as sleep is important, rest is also important. A lack of rest is actually visible to the eye and can affect other activities, this is because the human body is designed to be active and also take some time out. When you overwork or exert too much pressure on your body one of the ways in which it shows or reacts is your physical appearance. It’s hard to maintain a youthful glow when you’re looking beat down wouldn’t you agree?


This reminds me of a popular Nigerian song which says “overthinking no fit solve problem” a phrase we can all agree will forever remain valid. When you overthink things you only worry yourself and don’t allow for fresh ideas or information to be processed, more so you put a lot of pressure on your brain, your mind is burdened and it begins to reflect on the outside.


I can go on and on about the effects of tobacco to the body but each point will lead back to the fact that it does more harm than good. Tobacco smoke contains thousands of toxic chemicals(one of which is nicotine, a chemical responsible for causing blood vessels to narrow allowing for a reduction of oxygen flow as well as nutrients to the skin) which lead to premature aging.

Poor Self-care Habits:

It doesn’t hurt to take care of oneself. Indulging in a consistent self-care routine allows you to live a long, healthy and more fulfilled life. Activities like meditating, visiting the spa, getting manicures and pedicures, going for regular health checks to rule out possible illness, going for a run, going out to fun places with loved ones or even just surrounding yourself with friends and family all contribute to revealing a healthier, more youthful and vibrant you!

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