Zero knowledge of your ovulation timetable
Believe it or not a lot of women are yet to master the act of calculating their cycles(ovulation & menstruation) this cannot be good when you’re trying to conceive. Ideally, the length of your menstrual cycle is the number of days from the first day of bleeding in your last period, to the first day of bleeding in your next. From this figure, subtract 14 days from the end of your current cycle and then you have your ovulation date.
Going For a Fertility Check too Early or too Late
For women under 35, it’s common to not be pregnant within a year of trying to conceive and this doesn’t necessarily mean there’s something wrong with you. There’s no need to panic especially when you do not have any underlying health issues. However, If your cycle is shorter than 25 days or longer than 35 days, if you get very painful or heavy periods, or if you’ve had a significant pelvic infection in the past, it’s a good idea to head to the doctor sooner rather than later to get everything checked out.
Not Getting Your Acts Right!
That’s in fact what it is because you can’t be trying for a baby and still keep drinking, smoking and living recklessly. Lifestyle factors can affect your fertility too so aim to eat a healthy diet, exercise moderately, try to get your weight into a healthy range and reduce your consumption of caffeine
Self medicating on contraceptives without proper consultations with a specialist
This is a very common mistake in these parts of the world as more off the counter contraceptives are being circulated and used daily without adequate information on possible side effects with regards to fertility. Always consult with a reproductive health or fertility specialist before using contraceptives.
Trying Outside Your Fertile Window
While it’s completely okay to take your time before preparing for your bundle of joy, it also makes sense to plan accordingly as certain factors limit your chances for conception such as age. Age is such an important factor in child bearing and it is why there is such a term as advanced maternal age which is often used in describing women aged 35 and above. There are certain health risks which may come with conceiving late at the advanced maternal age so the earlier, the better your chances for carrying a healthy pregnancy.
A Lack Of Proper Nutrition
Substance Abuse
Excessive Caffeine Intake
Cigarette Smoking
Exposure To Radiation
Job Hazards Such As Chemical Exposure